Peptides are molecules that are made up of amino acids linked together by peptide bonds. They can contain different combinations of amino acids.
Peptides have an important role in living organisms, being part of many biological processes, such as:
Formation of proteins: Amino acids that are contained in peptides can be linked together to form proteins.
Regulation of metabolism:
Some peptides can regulate nutrient metabolism, such as insulin, which regulates blood glucose levels.
Transmission of signals:
Some peptides are used as mediators of signals between cells to regulate body functions, such as hormones.

Peptides are very important and are used in medicine for the production of drugs, such as insulin or the treatment of diabetes and peptide hormones for the treatment of various diseases.

\The action of peptides depends on their structural properties and functions. Peptides can act as hormones, neurotransmitters, enzymes, antibiotics, and more. and their actions vary according to their particular function.

When the peptide is recognized by cell receptors, it can change the image of the cell. Peptide hormones, for example, can regulate metabolism or regulate blood sugar levels. Neuropeptides can act as neurotransmitters that transfer signals between nerve cells. Antibiotic peptides can kill bacteria by disrupting their cell membrane.

Some peptides can bind to other molecules and regulate them. For example, peptides are known that bind to metabolite-binding proteins and alter their function.

In general, peptides can have different actions in the body and their mechanisms of action are very diverse and complex.
Types of Peptides:
Peptides are short chains of amino acids linked together by peptide bonds. Depending on the number of amino acids, peptides can be divided into different types. Here are some of them:

Dipeptides and tripeptides - contain two and three amino acids, respectively. Oligopeptides - have between 4 and 10 amino acids.

Polypeptides - include chains of more than 10 amino acids. An example of a polypeptide is insulin, which contains 51 amino acids. Neopeptides - are synthetic peptides that do not occur naturally in the body.

Biopeptides - are peptides that are synthesized in the living cells of the body. They have various functions, such as regulation of metabolism, involvement in the immune system, and others.

Antibacterial peptides - these are peptides that are produced by animals, plants and bacteria and are active against bacteria.

Signal peptides - these are peptides that are used for communication between cells in the body. They have a role in the regulation of many biological processes, such as growth, development, the immune and neurological systems.

Yes, peptides are used in sports, mostly as supplements to improve overall fitness and endurance. In the sports community, peptides are known as "pro-hormones" and are used to stimulate muscle growth, reduce fat and improve energy levels.
Some of the popular peptides used in sports include:

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) - This is a peptide that is produced naturally in the body, but can be taken as a supplement to improve muscle mass and reduce body fat.
Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) - This is a peptide that is produced naturally by the body, but can be taken as a supplement to improve muscle mass and speed recovery after workouts.
Thymosin beta-4 - This is a peptide that is used to improve endurance and muscle growth.
Beta-Alin - This is a peptide that is used to improve physical endurance and the use of fat as an energy source.
Although peptides can be useful for improving physical fitness and athletic endurance, they can also have unwanted effects in some organisms when used incorrectly. Before taking any peptide supplement, it is advisable to consult a qualified sports professional and follow the rules of the sports organizations.

There are many peptides that can be used to stimulate muscle growth and improve muscle mass. Some of these peptides can be used as dietary supplements, while others are only available as prescription drugs.
One of the most well-known peptides for muscle mass is human growth hormone (HGH). This peptide is produced naturally in the body, but can be taken as a supplement to stimulate muscle growth and reduce body fat. Many athletes use HGH alone or in combination with other peptides or anabolic steroids to achieve optimal effect.
Another peptide that is used to increase muscle mass is thymosin beta-4. This peptide is also known as TB-500 and is used to accelerate tissue repair and muscle growth.
Another popular peptide for muscle mass is insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1). This peptide is also produced naturally in the body and plays an important role in muscle growth. When used as a supplement, IGF-1 can improve muscle mass, speed recovery after workouts, and reduce the risk of injury.

What are the benefits of peptides?

Peptides have numerous benefits for human health. Some of these benefits are:
Treatment of various diseases: Many peptides are used in medicine to treat various diseases, such as diabetes, etc.
Increase muscle mass and endurance: Some peptides can increase muscle mass and endurance, which can be useful for athletes or people looking for physical improvement.
Skin and hair improvement: Some peptides are used in cosmetics to improve skin and hair. They can increase skin elasticity, reduce wrinkles and stimulate hair growth.
Strengthening the immune system: Certain peptides can strengthen the immune system and improve the body's defense against disease and infection.
Improve metabolism: Certain peptides can improve the body's metabolism by increasing fat metabolism and reducing the feeling of hunger.
The benefits listed above are just some of the benefits of peptides, and there are many more that are still being studied.